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Quality Statements

We strongly believe our customers deserve the highest quality products and services and we are driven by quality improvement throughout all our design, manufacturing and delivery processes. Since our very first days of operation, we have focused on quality as one of our core corporate objectives.

Quality is the basis for the long-term profitability and growth of Zelentech Pte Ltd. In the industries we serve, we strive to be the a preferred partner for measurement solutions.

Our quality management systems are based on:

Customer Satisfaction

  • Our organization is focused on our customers. We are committed to providing system solutions and satisfying the needs and expectations of our customers and other interested parties.

Continual Improvement

  • We are committed to implementing continual improvement by deploying Lean practices. We strive to create customer value by reducing cost through elimination of waste from every process, product and service.

Quality Involvement

  • Top management reviews our quality policies and strategies to ensure their continual suitability to support growth and increase our ability to drive and respond to change. The quality policies, strategies and resource needs are communicated and understood within the organization.
  • Employee awareness, involvement and self-responsibility are essential to our culture of learning and improvement. We focus on developing our people to achieve their full potential based on mutual respect, trust and cooperation ultimately yielding superior results.
  • All employees are challenged to be responsive to customer expectations and challenged to “do it right the first time.”
  • Adherence to our quality management system is a permanent commitment of all employees, suppliers and partners of ZelenTech Pte Ltd.

Presence in America

Office in Louisiana

ZelenTech is opening a sales office in America in joint-venture with our fabricator partner.

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